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3 Ways to Face the Uncertainty in the Unknown

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With everything going on in the world, a lot of people are worried about the uncertainty in the unknown. I, for sure, am one of those people. My whole job choice, or career, only exists abroad. I know that we will be able to travel again in the future but still struggle with the uncertainty of being forced to make yet another career change.

So in light of the situation, I’m trying to make the best of it with these three things.

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Future Plans

As humans, I think that we enjoy having things to look forward to. I know I always do, and planning things can bring happiness and joy. However, with not much to look forward to on a daily basis, this can be quite difficult.

I am not sure when I will be able to travel again, but I’m making plans in the hopes that I will be able to this year. I have continued to apply to ESL jobs abroad. Even though it is hard to get interviews due to schools being closed or having to put in more resources to move to e-learning; I have managed to find opportunities. Whether or not those opportunities will actually come through, we will have to wait and see. I’d rather be prepared to take the chance when the time comes than not have anything to choose from. In the end, it does give me something to look forward to.

Photo by Bich Tran from Pexels


I strongly encourage you to not stay in bed and wear your PJs all day! Personally, I don’t really know how people can do it. I can’t stand wearing the same clothes for three days. It makes me feel . . . gross.

Naturally, I stick to a routine, but some days I might feel more lazy than usual. But that doesn’t mean I stray too far from my plan. Always waking up at the same time, helps a lot. It keeps your body clock normal and if you sleep too much you’ll just end up sleeping the whole day. No one wants that!

So I recommend coming up with a daily plan and routine that you know you can do. Don’t put anything in there that you have never done before because it’s not going to motivate you to stick to it. Think about what you like to do in the morning, afternoon and evening. Is your lifestyle more active? Do you miss socializing with friends?

Making plans to chat with friends through video calls, can be a way to lift your spirits. It’s always good to check in with those that mean the most to you. And it’s definitely a good activity to put into a weekly plan.

Finding Your Strengths

Once you have put together a routine or plan, it can be helpful to add some things that you may have been neglecting. Is there an old project that is unfinished? Have you been meaning to learn a skill? What about that book you never finished?

Skillshare is a great platform to learn new skills and brush up on some old tips and tricks. It’s an online community where creators can share their skills like photography, video, illustration, etc. You can use the link above to get 2 months of free premium membership.

Remember to start small. Don’t take on too much. If you need time to get used to a routine, that’s okay too.

Adding something to your routine that you have left neglected can help you remember why you neglected it in the first place. Learning new skills or finishing a project can motivate you to stay focused. When it’s finished, you can see what you have accomplished.

This can be a great way to boost your mood and gives you something to look forward to!

uncertainty in the unknown
Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels

Avoiding Noise

Your support system is going to be key when facing times of uncertainty in the unknown. Avoiding people that are negative can make a huge difference in your daily life. The key is to find people with similar interests and connect with them.

In the age of the Internet, there are no excuses.

Start with a simple Facebook group with the topic you’re interested in. Engage and be encouraging.

The news and media are huge noise distractions and too much of it can cause you to become overwhelmed. I know that you may have a lot of other things to worry about, like how you’re going to pay your bills, but remember this isn’t a race to see who comes out with the most money.

I think that being more productive rather than worrying goes a long way physically and mentally.

How are you being productive during this time? Let me know in the comments!

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